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LumenPnP GT2 Belt and Pulley Kit

Prepare Bagged Subassemblies

  • Place 4x gt2-idler-pulley into a 2x3-bag and seal it shut alt text
  • Place 4x gt2-timing-pulley into a 2x3-bag and seal it shut alt text
  • Place 5m gt2-timing-belt into a 3x4-bag and seal it shut alt text
  • Create 1x z-belt-assembly alt text

Package Subassemblies

  • Gather the subbassemblies completed in the previous steps alt text
  • Place the subbassemblies into a 6x9-bag and seal it shut

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  • Adhere a product-sticker to the LumenPnP GT2 Belt and Pulley Kit

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  • Adhere a build-number-sticker to complete the LumenPnP GT2 Belt and Pulley Kit

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