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Planned Ship Date Formula Documentation


This formula adjusts Shipping Due dates found in column P to ensure they are rounded back to the nearest Friday. If a date falls on a Thursday, it is moved to the next Friday. Dates on other days are adjusted to the previous Friday.


  ISBLANK(A2:A), "", 
    WEEKDAY(P2:P, 1) = 5, 
    P2:P + 1, 
    P2:P - MOD(WEEKDAY(P2:P, 1) + 1, 7)



    • Applies the formula to each cell in the range P2:P.
  2. IF(ISBLANK(A2:A), "", ...):

    • Checks if cells in column A are blank. If a cell is blank, it returns an empty string ("").
  3. WEEKDAY(P2:P, 1):

    • Returns the day of the week for each date in P2:P where:
      • 1 = Sunday
      • 2 = Monday
      • 3 = Tuesday
      • 4 = Wednesday
      • 5 = Thursday
      • 6 = Friday
      • 7 = Saturday
  4. IF(WEEKDAY(P2:P, 1) = 5, P2:P + 1, ...):

    • If the weekday is Thursday (5), it moves the date to the next Friday by adding 1 day.
  5. P2:P - MOD(WEEKDAY(P2:P, 1) + 1, 7):

    • WEEKDAY(P2:P, 1) + 1: Shifts the weekday values to align with a 0-based index.
    • P2:P - MOD(..., 7): Subtracts the result from the date to adjust it to the previous Friday.

Understanding MOD

The MOD function calculates the remainder after division. It is used to ensure that numbers wrap around a specified range, which is useful for dealing with circular sequences like days of the week.


MOD(number, divisor)
  • number: The value you want to divide.
  • divisor: The value by which you want to divide.

In Use

  • MOD(10, 3) results in 1 because 10 divided by 3 is 3 with a remainder of 1.
  • MOD(7, 7) results in 0 because 7 divided by 7 is exactly 1 with no remainder.

In Our Formula

  • WEEKDAY(P2:P, 1) + 1 shifts the weekday values by 1, so Monday (2) becomes 3, and Friday (6) becomes 7.
  • MOD(..., 7) ensures that values wrap around within the range of 0 to 6. This makes it possible to handle the circular nature of days in a week:
  • For Monday (2), MOD(3, 7) is 3.
  • For Friday (6), MOD(7, 7) is 0.

Example Calculations

  • Input Date: Wednesday, October 9
  • WEEKDAY(P2, 1): 4 (Wednesday)
  • WEEKDAY(P2, 1) + 1: 5
  • MOD(5, 7): 5
  • Result: Subtract 5 days from October 9, resulting in Friday, October 4

  • Input Date: Thursday, October 10

  • WEEKDAY(P2, 1): 5 (Thursday)
  • Condition: Since it is Thursday, the formula adds 1 day, resulting in Friday, October 11


  • ARRAYFORMULA(...) applies the formula to a range of cells.
  • IF(ISBLANK(P2:P), "", ...) handles blank cells by returning an empty string.
  • WEEKDAY(P2:P, 1) returns the day of the week as a number.
  • IF(WEEKDAY(P2:P, 1) = 5, P2:P + 1, ...) moves Thursday dates to the next Friday.
  • MOD(WEEKDAY(P2:P, 1) + 1, 7) calculates the number of days to subtract to round back to the previous Friday.