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Packaging LumenPnP v4

Reviewing packaging layout

  1. The following components are packaged into the lower-foam-tray:

    • y-gantry-left
    • y-gantry-right
    • x-gantry
    • nozzle-rack-asm
    • getting-started-kit
    • tool-kit-bag
    • feeder-blade-harness-set
    • x-cable-chain-support
    • 2x front-leg-extension
    • 2x back-leg-extension
  2. The following components are packaged into the upper-foam-tray:

    • primary-staging-plate
    • aux-staging-plate
    • static-camera-foot
    • aux-staging-plate-foot
    • bagged-10x-extrusion-cable-clips
    • squaring-bracket
    • y-limit-striker
    • drag-chain-assembly
    • front-feeder-rail
    • rear-feeder-rail
    • 24v6A-power-supply
    • power-cable

Package lower-foam-tray

The following steps must be conducted by someone other than the original assembler.

tool-kit-bag and back-leg-extension

  1. Confirm lumenpnp-v4-hardware-kit is present in tool-kit-bag

    If OK continue onward

  2. Add tool-kit-bag into the middle region of lower-foam-tray

    • Orient the tool-kit-bag so its Opulo logo faces the x-gantry-toolhead

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  3. Insert 2x back-leg-extension - stacking them on the left of tool-kit-bag

    • Confirm both pieces have rubber-feet installed

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getting-started-kit and feeder-blade-harness-set

  1. Insert getting-started-kit into the lower left region of tray

    • QC must be performed if collecting getting-started-kit pieces from anything other than a green QC-Pass bin
    • QC this item by weighing and confirming a mass of either 168g or 150g (varies based on the version of tape used)

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  2. Insert feeder-blade-harness-set to the right of getting-started-kit

    Please remember this is the new JST PH cables! We do not need to make IDC cables anymore.

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  1. Perform x-gantry QC

    • GT2-belt has been trimmed to appropriate length:
      • Flush on x-motor-mount side
      • Approx. 15mm on x-idler-mount side
    • lens-cap is present on top-camera
    • The wire connectors on both NEMA-11-stepper-motor units face away from each other
    • Confirm each nozzle-holder fulfills the following requirements:
      • Appears lubricated
      • Moves smoothly and in a straight path when actuated manually
      • Springs back to the extended position after being depressed by hand
    • z-belt-loop feels appropriately tensioned when plucked
    • Each z-gantry moves smoothly when actuated back-and-forth by hand
    • 1x M5-hex-nut is installed in x-gantry-back for mounting cable-splay
    • The wire connector on NEMA-17-stepper-motor that is attached to x-gantry-front faces z-limit-switch
    • The wire connector on NEMA-17-stepper-motor that is attached to x-motor-mount faces away from xy-limit-switch
    • linear-rail is centered atop alu-extrusion
    • x-idler-mount and x-motor-mount are secured to alu-extrusion with 2x M5x10-bolt per side
    • belt-tensioner-arm is installed on x-idler-mount in the correct orientation (IE acorn-nut facing touches print)
    • timing-pulley for both x & z are tightened down and at proper height
    • GT2-belt lays flat and is roughly centered in alu-extrusion channel
    • GT2-belt has been correctly tensioned
    • x-gantry-toolhead moves smoothly when actuated back and forth by hand
    • top-ring-light is present with the wire connector visible

    If all checks pass, continue onward

  2. Package x-gantry into lower-foam-tray

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  • Place x-cable-chain-support on the bottom of the y-gantry pocket

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  1. Perform y-gantry-right QC

    • Confirm M5 bolts are installed in every recessed region
    • M5-hex/square-nut installed where required:
      • 2x M5-hex-nut pressed into bottom of front-right-leg
      • 1x M5-hex-nut pressed into bottom of back-leg
      • 2x M5-hex-nut pressed into y-gantry on textured face
      • 2x M5-square-nut pressed into y-gantry for attaching x-cable-chain-support
    • GT2-belt has been trimmed to appropriate length:
      • Flush on front-right-leg side
      • Approx. 15mm on back-leg side
    • GT2-belt has been correctly tensioned
    • belt-tensioner-arm is installed on front-right-leg in the correct orientation (IE acorn-nut facing touches leg)
    • linear-rail is centered atop aluminum-extrusion
    • y-gantry sits flat on linear-rail-carriage
    • y-gantry feels smooth and free of friction across the y-min to y-max travel range when actuated by hand
    • GT2-belt lays flat in the alu-extrusion channels
    • 3x extrusion-cable-clip have been installed onto the lower alu-extrusion
    • timing-pulley is tightened down and at proper height
    • Y2 cable is secured with a zip-tie and exits the port labeled Y2

    If all checks pass, continue onward

  2. Package y-gantry-right into lower-foam-tray

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  1. Perform y-gantry-left QC

    • Confirm M5 bolts are installed in every recessed region
    • M5-hex/square-nut installed where required:
      • 2x M5-hex-nut pressed into bottom of front-left-leg
      • 1x M5-square-nut pressed into side of front-left-leg for use with y-limit-striker
      • 1x M5-hex-nut pressed into bottom of back-leg
      • 2x M5-hex-nut pressed into y-gantry on textured face
      • 2x M5-square-nut pressed into y-gantry for x-cable-chain-support mounting
    • GT2-belt has been trimmed to appropriate length:
      • Flush on front-left-leg side
      • Approx. 15mm on back-leg side
    • GT2-belt has been correctly tensioned
    • belt-Tensioner-arm is installed on front-right-leg in the correct orientation (IE acorn-nut facing touches leg)
    • linear-rail is centered atop aluminum-extrusion
    • y-gantry sits flat on linear-rail-carriage
    • y-gantry feels smooth and free of friction across the y-min to y-max travel range when actuated by hand
    • GT2-belt lays flat in the alu-extrusion channels
    • 3x extrusion-cable-clip have been installed onto the lower alu-extrusion
    • timing-pulley is tightened down and at proper height
    • Y1 cable is secured with a zip-tie and exits the port labeled Y1

    If all checks pass, continue onward

  2. Package y-gantry-left into lower-foam-tray

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front-leg-extension and nozzle-rack-asm

  1. Insert nozzle-rack-asm into the bottom right pocket

    • Confirm nozzle-rack has all its mounting hardware installed by peering through the bag

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  2. Insert 2x front-leg-extension, stacking them in the same region

    • Confirm both pieces have rubber-feet installed

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Confirm the contents of lower-foam-tray

Confirm the lower-foam-tray matches the image shown below before continuing:

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Package upper-foam-tray

The following steps must be conducted by someone other than the original assembler.

misc. parts

  1. Insert the following items into the right-side pocket of upper-foam-tray

    Package each of the following items while inspecting them for their given QC inspection criteria

    • squaring-bracket - confirm print is latest revision (gold PLA & hex wrench feature)
    • y-limit-striker - confirm M5-thumb-screw is installed and appears to stick-out 1.5mm
    • aux-staging-plate-foot - confirm top-side M3 bolt and bottom-side rubber-foot
    • static-camera-foot - confirm bottom-side rubber-foot
    • bagged-10x-extrusion-cable-clips
      • Only pull these items from a green QC-Pass bin.

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  2. Insert the following into the left-side pocket

    • 24v6A-power-supply (unboxed)
    • power-cable

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  3. Confirm the left and right side pockets match the image below before continuing

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  1. Inspect primary-staging-plate before packaging it into the foam tray

    • Review the primary-staging-plate for the presence of all major components
      • datum-board
      • bottom-camera-assembly (with lens cap removed)
      • 3x peek-cable-clamp
      • bottom-light-harness and bottom-camera-harness w/propper cable managment
        • Ensure that the bottom-camera-harness was used and NOT the longer top-cable-harness
        • peek-cable-clamp usage and rubber-band for securing loose cables

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  2. Place the primary-staging-plate into upper-foam-tray in the region shown below

    The Opulo logo should face away from the feeder-rail pocket

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  3. Insert a foam block above each side of primary-staging-plate

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  1. Insert control-box on right-side of bottom-camera-assembly

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  2. Unclip the box-sn-label from control-box and loosely add it to right side accessory pocket

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  1. Insert aux-staging-plate on top of primary-staging-plate

    The Opulo logo should face away from the feeder-rail pocket

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It is much easier to check the entire batch at once for a given inspection, rather than checking each one rail at a time against this entire checklist

  1. Perform QC inspection on the front of front-feeder-rail and rear-feeder-rail pieces

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    • Feeder blades are installed sequentially from left to right
    • Wiggle the installed blades to ensure no screws are loose, retightening any if needed
    • Ensure the print is free of defects and fits flush to alu-extrusion
    • The 2x (front)/4x (rear) installed corner-bracket pieces are flush to the alu-extrusion
    • Confirm a blade-jumper-harness is installed into each feeder-rail
    • Use the feeder-programmer to check that Slots #1, #12, #13, '#23', #25, #26, #37 #38, #48, and #50 are programmed correctly

      If all checks pass continue onward

  2. Add front-feeder-rail and rear-feeder-rail into upper-foam-tray

    • Orient the rails back-side up, with rear-feeder-rail in the lower pocket and slot #50 on the right

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  1. Perform drag-chain QC

    • Confirm the following vacuum tubes are present at both ends:
      • Red 4mm-pneumatic-tubing
      • Blue 4mm-pneumatic-tubing
    • Confirm 3x zip-tie used in cable-splay are trimmed flush and present
    • Confirm presence of top-camera-cable
    • Confirm presence of x-harness and double check that x-harness has the correct orientation

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    If all checks pass, continue onward

  2. Place drag-chain into upper-foam-tray

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Confirm the contents of upper-foam-tray

  1. Confirm the upper-foam-tray matches the image shown below

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Package LumenPnP Box

Perform this process 1 machine at a time

It's OK for this work to be performed by the original machine assembler

  1. Gather the following items:

    • Empty LumenPnP box
    • Packaged and QC'd upper-foam-tray
    • Packaged and QC'd lower-foam-tray
    • All relevant shipping paperwork, including packing slip, shipping label, and any international forms

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  2. Remove the box-sn-label from the upper-foam-tray and adhere it to the LumenPnP box in the region shown below

    It is critical that this label matches the serial number listed on the backside of control-box

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  3. Adhere shipping documents to box

    • Adhere all relevant shipping documentation to the top left side of the LumenPnP box flap
    • Set the packing slip aside if it lists product pricing information, otherwise it can be adhered below the shipping label

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  4. Examine the packing slip and take note of what (if any) additional items must be packaged

  5. Open the OQC Checklist

    • Fill out this checklist as you package the LumenPnP

  6. Complete the first page of the OQC Checklist page

  7. Examine the contents of the lower-foam-tray and complete the corresponding OQC Checklist page

  8. Place the packaged lower-foam-tray into the LumenPnP packaging

    • Orient the tray so that the packaged x-gantry is closer to the Opulo logo side of the box

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  9. Examine the contents of the upper-foam-tray and complete the corresponding OQC Checklist page

  10. Place the packaged upper-foam-tray into the LumenPnP packaging

    • Orient the tray so that the staging plates are closer to the Opulo logo side of the box

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  11. Complete the corresponding OQC Checklist page

  12. Reference the order's packing list to determine if the box must include any additional items

    • If the order includes additional items, select Yes to this page's last question before proceeding
    • If the order does not include additional items, select No to this page's last question before proceeding
  13. If you answered Yes to the previous question you will be directed to the Extra Items Checklist page

    • Package any additional items required into the open void regions of the LumenPnP's packaging

    If the order includes feeders or items suitable for a feeder-accessory-tray package them above the upper-foam-tray like so:

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    • After adding any additional items to the order, check-off any additional items this order contains before proceeding

  14. Fill out a getting-started-card with the machine's version number

  15. Peel the wax paper off the back of getting-started-card and adhere it to top-foam sheet

    • Orient the card so that it's bottom edge faces toward the Opulo logo side of the box

    If the order being packed included feeders skip this step

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  16. Install a top-foam-sheet above the upper-foam-tray

    If the order being packed included feeders skip this step

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    Is this LumenPnP being shipped with feeders? Follow this note below instead of the above step!

    Use feeder trays and a top-cardboard-pad instead of a top-foam-sheet if the LumenPnP order includes either feeders and/or items that use a feeder-accessory-tray alt text alt text alt text

  17. Proceed to the Finalize Shipment page of the OQC Checklist and work your way through alongside following these last steps

  18. Tape the LumenPnP box shut

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  19. Adhere an orange sticker to the top-right corner of the box.

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  20. Click Submit on the final page of OQC Checklist page

The LumenPnP should now be ready for fulfillment!