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Additional Parts


This section of the work instructions covers the additional parts that must be packaged in a LumenPnP shipment prior to fulfillment.

These parts and their respective quantities are as follows:

  • 1x bagged-extrusion-cable-clips
  • 2x back-leg-extension
  • 2x front-leg-extension
  • 1x y-limit-striker
  • 1x static-camera-foot
  • 1x aux-staging-plate-foot
  • 1x nozzle-rack-asm

Work Instructions


  • Place 10x extrusion-cable-clip pieces into a 3x4-bag before sealing it closed
  • Place each bagged-extrusion-cable-clips set into a yellow NEEDS QC bin while it awaits inspection
  • Weigh each bagged-extrusion-cable-clips, confirming it weighs 20g
  • Place the bagged-extrusion-cable-clips pieces that pass weight check into a green QC-Pass bin


  • Clean print of any observed stringing
  • Adhere 2x rubber-foot to each back-leg-extension, centering each in the circular cutouts
  • Place each back-leg-extension into a yellow NEEDS QC bin while it awaits inspection


  • Clean print of any observed stringing
  • Adhere 1x rubber-foot to each front-leg-extension, centering it in the circular cutout
  • Place each front-leg-extension into a yellow NEEDS QC bin while it awaits inspection


  • Clean print of any observed stringing
  • Place y-limit-striker into its arbor press fixture alt text

  • Use an arbor press to insert 1x M5-lock-nut into y-limit-striker alt text

  • Thread a M5-thumb-screw into the M5-lock-nut previously installed into y-limit-striker alt text

  • Use a feeler gauage and tighten M5-thumb-screw until there is a ##mm gap between back of screw and print alt text


  • The completed y-limit-striker should match the image below alt text

  • Place each completed y-limit-striker into a yellow NEEDS QC bin while it awaits inspection


  • Clean print of any observed stringing
  • Adhere 1x rubber-foot to the bottom of static-camera-foot, centering it in the circular cutout
  • Place each static-camera-foot into a yellow NEEDS QC bin while it awaits inspection


  • Clean print of any observed stringing
  • Use an arbor press to insert 1x M3-square-nut into aux-staging-plate-foot
  • Thread an M3x14-bolt into the top-side of aux-staging-plate-foot, leaving a few mm of bolt threading exposed
  • Adhere 1x rubber-foot to the bottom of aux-staging-plate-foot, centering it in the circular cutout
  • Place each aux-staging-plate-foot into a yellow NEEDS QC bin while it awaits inspection


  • Insert 2x m3-hex-head-bolt into the left and right outermost slots on nozzle-rack

  • Place a M3-wing-nut onto each m3-hex-head-bolt

  • Install all 6 different nozzles onto nozzle-rack, ensuring that each nozzle can pop in and out relatively easily

  • Place a rubber-band around nozzle-rack to secure each nozzle in place

  • Place the completed nozzle-rack into a 3x4-bag before sealing it shut to create nozzle-rack-asm

    alt text alt text

  • Place the completed nozzle-rack-asm assemblies in a bin on the packout shelf while they await future use